Allied Telesis AT-FL-X320-CPOE-NCA1. Number of years: 1 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Meet your maximum uptime teamAllied Telesis Net.Cover is an ideal support program that maintains critical uptime for vital network systems.Multi-level technical phone support, priority queuing, and advanced product replacement are available in this comprehensive support program. These services are designed to support maximum uptime and ease troubleshooting of vital network hardware and software issues. This broad selection of support options is ideal—from the access edge to the most mission-critical core components, and supports applications ranging from standard enterprise connectivity to IP voice, video, security and data delivery.
Allied Telesis AT-GS980EM/11PT-NCA1. Number of years: 1 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Allied Telesis AT-GS980EM/11PT-NCA3. Number of years: 3 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Allied Telesis AT-X320-11GPT-NCA1. Number of years: 1 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Allied Telesis AT-FL-X320-01-NCA1. Number of years: 1 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Allied Telesis AT-FL-X320-CPOE-NCA5. Number of years: 5 year(s), Service time (hours x days): 24x5
Meet your maximum uptime teamAllied Telesis Net.Cover is an ideal support program that maintains critical uptime for vital network systems.Multi-level technical phone support, priority queuing, and advanced product replacement are available in this comprehensive support program. These services are designed to support maximum uptime and ease troubleshooting of vital network hardware and software issues. This broad selection of support options is ideal—from the access edge to the most mission-critical core components, and supports applications ranging from standard enterprise connectivity to IP voice, video, security and data delivery.
Net.CoverNet.Cover® bietet dedizierten und umfassenden Support für Ihr Netzwerk - mit einem erstklassigen technischen Support, umfassenden Maßnahmen zur Risikominimierung und proaktiven Services, um Hochverfügbarkeit, Kontinuität der Geschäftsprozesse und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.Net.Cover-Servicepläne reichen vom Netzwerk- Access bis hin zu den kritischsten Kernkomponenten für Ihr Unternehmen. Sie erhalten Unterstützung in Bereichen, die von standardmäßiger Vernetzung bis hin zu IP-Voice, Video, Sicherheit und Datenbereitstellung reichen.Unser mehrstufiger technischer Telefon-Support, die priorisierte Warteliste und erweiterter Ersatz von Produkten sind ebenfalls im Rahmen dieses umfassenden Supportprogramms verfügbar.
Meet your maximum uptime teamAllied Telesis Net.Cover is an ideal support program that maintains critical uptime for vital network systems.Multi-level technical phone support, priority queuing, and advanced product replacement are available in this comprehensive support program. These services are designed to support maximum uptime and ease troubleshooting of vital network hardware and software issues. This broad selection of support options is ideal—from the access edge to the most mission-critical core components, and supports applications ranging from standard enterprise connectivity to IP voice, video, security and data delivery.
MFR: Netgear, Inc
Qty: 1
Part #: GS105NA