The DICENTIS cable coupler enables Technicians toconnect DICENTIS cable assemblies (with one anotheror with standard CAT-E cable) without the need forspecial tools.The cable coupler can be used to:Connect two DICENTIS cables so you can easilyincrease cable length.Connect two DICENTIS cables, where one is alwayspresent and ends in a “floor pod” and the other cableis only connected when it is required (for example, arostrum microphone which will not always be used).The cable coupler can be fixed with screws to thefloor pod.Interconnect DICENTIS cable with standard CAT5-Ecable and power cable so you can comply with localregulations or make use of current availableinfrastructure.Interconnect DICENTIS cable with standard CAT5-Ecable and a 48VDC power supply close to the devices.Create a circuit to power on a system without theneed of a Multimedia device, a PC running theMeeting application, or Synoptic control. Makes it is easier to adjust cables to the requiredlength when installing rental systems. Offers a meansto create cables for the desired length by justinterconnecting standard cables without the need forspecial tools.Makes it easy to connect “temporary” devices (forexample, a rostrum microphone) to the DICENTISsystem. At the location of the rostrum microphone,the cable coupler is used as the endpoint of the cable(mounted in a floor pod).Makes it possible to comply to the most stringentnorms for fixed/installation cable in buildings.Enables you to use standard CAT-5E and power cablefor the part where the norms have to be met, andDICENTIS cable in the conference room.Makes it easy to re-use existing infrastructure/networks (for example, if a CAT-5E network is alreadyin place).Makes it possible to place a 48 VDC power supply(not part of the Bosch portfolio) close to theparticipant devices.Requirements for the power supply:nominal output of 48 VDC (ranging from 47 - 49 VDC).the ripple should be less than 200 mV pk-pk.maximum output current should not exceed 3.0 A (orlimited to 3.0 A, because DICENTIS cables anddevices have a maximum rating for this current).AdviceIt is strongly advised that the power supply has itsown short circuit protection with a short circuitoutput current ranging from 4.3 to 5.0 A.When the power supply has an automatic restart aftera short circuit, this restart function should have aninterval time of 3 to 4 seconds and should have nomore than 4 restart attempts.Upon powering off the power supply, the outputshould be less than 9 V, 1 mA.
MFR: Netgear, Inc
Qty: 1
Part #: GS105NA