Average Continuous Composite CMY Declared Cartridge Yield up to 4,000 standard pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798. -True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. -Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. -Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark C 544 DN
Average Continuous Composite CMY Declared Cartridge Yield up to 4,000 standard pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798. -True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. -Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. -Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark X 544 DW
Professional Colour, Superior Results Includes a Photoconductor unit and a Black photodeveloper unit.Yield: Up to 30,000 pages, based on an average of 3 pages per job and approximately 5% coverage. Yields may vary based on customer usage. Value Take a giant leap in longevity. Standout performance and maximum yield for a true investment in efficiency – and your professional future. Technology Outstanding results page after page, year after year. Superior Lexmark design means precision pairing between printer and imaging kit for value, quality and environmental responsibility you can count on. Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program Going green has never been easier. Recycle all your used Lexmark supplies by letting us take care of the details. It’s simple, smart and always free. Items Included Photoconductor unit and a Black photodeveloper unit.Compatible Printers: Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark X 544 DN
Includes a Photoconductor unit and one each of the photodeveloper unit for black, cyan, magenta and yellow. Yield: Up to 30,000 pages, based on an average of 3 pages per job and approximately 5% coverage per color. Yields may vary based on customer usage.Compatible Printers: Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN
The Lexmark supplies are designed to provide value, reliability and outstanding print quality. Yield: Up to 30,000 pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings. - True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. - Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. - Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark X 546 DTN
Professional Color, with Even Greater Rewards Yield: Up to 30,000 pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings. Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program includes various methods of return and sponsors unique collection partnerships around the world. Collection programs are always free to the consumer and are designed to be easy to use. Country-specific instructions and shipping labels are available online. Empty cartridges may also be returned through participating Lexmark authorised supplies resellers.Compatible Printers: Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN
Yield: Up to 30,000 pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings. -True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. -Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. -Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN
Yield: Up to 30,000 pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings. -True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. -Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. -Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark X 548 DE, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DTN
Yield: Up to 30,000 pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings. -True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. -Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. -Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.Compatible Printers: Lexmark Optra C 540 N, Lexmark C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 543 DN, Lexmark C 540 N, Lexmark C 543 DN, Lexmark C 544 DN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DW, Lexmark X 544 DN, Lexmark C 544 DTN, Lexmark Optra C 544 DN, Lexmark C 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 DTN, Lexmark C 544 Series, Lexmark C 544 DW, Lexmark Optra C 546 DTN, Lexmark X 543 DN, Lexmark X 548 DTE, Lexmark X 544 N, Lexmark Optra C 544 N, Lexmark X 546 DTN, Lexmark X 548 DE
Average Cartridge Yield 9,000 standard pages. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752. - True: Accurate technology. Genuine quality. Environmental focus. It's our nature. - Image: Crisp print. Professional documents. Great Impressions. Project your character. - Always: Dependable. Page after page. Year after year. Count on Lexmark.
MFR: Netgear, Inc
Qty: 1
Part #: GS105NA