EcoStruxure IT Data Center Expert provides remote monitoring and management capabilities for your data center. Perpetual paper node licenses gives you the scalability to add devices as your infrastructure grows. Node licenses can be purchased in different amounts as perpetual licenses which can be added to your DCE on-the-fly.
The InfraStruXure Management Base Configuration Base service is a mandatory service on each software management solution. The service provides the foundation for all other service activities contained in the InfraStruXure Management Software Configuration Suite. Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you.Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you. Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Physical Installation, device discovery, firmware upgrade and network configuration.The InfraStruXure Central Post Configuration Insight Service provides comprehensive training that optimizes the value of the as configured InfraStruXure Central. The training service increases the customer knowledge base, understanding, and ability to interface with the InfraStruXure Central product. The service provides the customer with an effective and concise process of transferring this critical knowledge to their operation and maintenance personnel.
Establish users, configure SMTP settings, set up group devices, configure back up, and establish reporting functionality.Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you.Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Configuration of alarm threshold on monitored devices. Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you. Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you. Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Configuration of the alarm action when a monitored device threshold has been reached. Allows users and data center professionals to learn from specifications generated by the world's leading experts on the subject.With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you.Ensures quality by using only APC Certified Engineers with several years of industry experience.
Think big, think scalable - The world's largest modular UPSSymmetra MW redefines high-power UPS technology as a modular, fault-tolerant UPS in the 400-1600 kilowatt range. Ideal for large data centers, complete buildings, healthcare and other critical facility protection requirements, the Symmetra MW can be scaled for rigorous and changing electrical demands. Symmetra MW provides increased availability through internal N+1 configurability, predictive failure notification and multi-module paralleling features. Setting a new standard for low cost of ownership Symmetra MW delivers best-in-class efficiency and a reduction in rating of electrical infrastructure- wires, transformers and generators. Slide-in/out power modules, manageable external batteries and self-diagnosing features greatly reduce mean time to repair. Combined with a wide range of line-up and match options Symmetra MW provides a customizable system in a standardized design for any large on-demand network-critical physical infrastructure.
A cloud-based, vendor agnostic, secure solution that enables wherever-you-go monitoring and visibility into your IT physical infrastructureExtendable architectureAvailable node and application license keys extend the capabilities of the platform allowing it to grow to meet changing business needs.Remote monitoring supportWeb-based service that serves as a second set of eyes into the health of a company's physical infrastructure. Experienced professionals work non-stop to provide 24-hour monitoring and to help diagnose problems before they become critical.Encrypted communications2048 bit RSA certificate and data is encrypted in transit using 256 bit AES encryption. EcoStruxure IT Gateway uses an outbound connection through Port 443, and only communicates to EcoStruxure IT cloud using and NotificationsReceive real-time event notifications that minimize response times to critical physical infrastructure situations, reduce mean time to repair, improve efficiency, and maximize uptime.Unified consoleCustomizable Windows and Linux client application enables instant access from any browser or mobile deviceAlarm ConsolidationReduces erroneous alarms and decreases MTTR by detecting the root cause in minutes.Cloud-based monitoringMaintain uptime for local edge and distributed environments and check the status of your physical infrastructure equipment from a centralized view, ensuring peace of mind whether onsite or remote.Centralized Inventory ManagementObtain Immediate and detailed visibility of all physical infrastructure devices by geography or customizable location.Multi-vendor device supportExtensive multi-vendor support for monitoring networked SNMP, MODBUS and Redfish devices. Enables visibility of devices through threshold alert notifications, data trending and reporting.AssessmentDetermine patterns of healthy behavior and provide a scorecard using analytics and machine learning to identify which devices require attention.BenchmarkingCompare your devices performance against the total population of similar devices in the industry.Auto-discoveryReduces the time needed to install and deploy physical infrastructure devices by automatically detecting manageable devices on your network.Automatic updates and backupsUpdates and backups are automatically applied to always provide the most current solution.Private networkingReduce IP addresses needed on the public network to manage devices, by placing them on an isolated secure network.Graphical trending analysisAccess current and historic data for any device or group of devices. Plot and graph multiple data points in a logical correlation to visualize potential hazardous trends.Custom reportingCreate, save and schedule user-defined reports for ease of data collection, distribution and analysis.Centralized Alert RepositoryAccess historical alerts from several appliances through one central database. Sort alerts by type, date, appliance, and/or device group.
MFR: Netgear, Inc
Qty: 1
Part #: GS105NA